Wednesday 4 March 2009

Slightly changing the Plot - AGAIN!

At last minute we decided to slightly change our plot again for these reasons:
  • Another group in my class were doing a similar plot about a kidnap in a park
  • We could not find someone to play as the mother
  • We had better ideas because of the scenery of our new location
  • We thought the part with the child and the mother entering the park did not make sense if the child ends up disappearing, leaving the mother alone in the park

Changes to our plot:

  • Remove child and mother entering park
  • Start scene with the man at a gravestone placing a toy on it, then makes his way to the bench
  • Replace the drawing with a toy, to show relation to the placement on the gravestone
  • Child gives man the toy instead of the old prop of a drawing
  • After Child gives toy to the man, he runs out the park and the man follows the child, but leads him to his death by getting run over by a car

Descriptive Development on plot/Main Storyboard

Key images

  • Park: Location - Place where children like to play
  • Toy: Reveals the dead child's dearest pocession
  • Natural Light - Sunny weather


Setting and Locations

  • Park - Needs Swings and a Bench
  • Natural Lighting
  • Weather not bothered but rainy gloomy day preferred but dry sunny day is best for filming
  • Location: Pyrey Park near Pentonville road (10 min walk)
  • Climaxing
  • Heartbeats
  • Bangs
  • Slow and quiet leading to fast and loud
  • Wind noises
  1. Newspaper
  2. TOY!

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