Saturday 7 February 2009

Filming on Saturday...

We booked the camera for this weekend, as this was the only time we could film the young boy.

Actors: Ben (The man) Leon (Young boy)
Location:Priory Park.
Props: Newspaper and Teddy.
We had to put make up onto the young boy to show that he was 'unusual' and had the connotations of death and ghosts attached to him. (White Powder and Black EyeLiner)

We decided to film everything invoving the young boy; the filming we did today involved Leon playing on the swings then suddenly dissapearing. Also the camera showing his point of view as he stared at ben who was on the bench throughout the whole scenes. When the 'strange' boy finally walks over to ben; he is shown through match cuts which add a sense of anticipation.
We managed to get all the footage we wanted but we still have alot more filming to do; the intro to ben comming into the park is still incompleteand many other camera shots

Our aim however is completed. We wanted lots of footage of this 'strange' boy and today we did exactly that.

Camera shots we did today = Extreme close up, over the shoulder shot, Match cuts, Mid long shot, long shot, Hand held shot.

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