Tuesday 10 February 2009

Intro to cameras and risk assesment

Our class was given a lesson on how to use a camera and the difficulties we could face if we didnt use the camera safetly. we were first taught how to use the tripod. we were told that the best way of using the tripod was by pulling all the legs out so that the camera wasn't wobbly. we were also shown how to put the camera on the tripod then we had to each have a turn in putting the camera on the tripod. I was taught how to play, record, stop recording, forward and rewind. this was important to learn because this is how we could check the footage we taped. we were told that it was ok to camera hand held if we wanted a point of veiw shot effect but we were told to use the tripod if we were doing a long shot. we were told to avoid using the zoom function because this will make the video look like a home movie instead of a professional film. the camera was set to auto focus so that it is always clear and so that it doesnt go out of focus half way through filming. i learnt about the '180 degree' rule: this is about filming a conversation from one side so that ithe audience dont get confused.

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