Sunday 22 February 2009

First filming exercise - film storyboard

1 Full shot of woman crossin the street

2 Medium shot of man leaning on pole reading paper

3 Close up shot of man leaning on pole reading paper

4 Over the shoulder shot of man flicking through paper

5 Extreme close up of a picture of a missing person in the paper

6 Medium Side Point of view shot of man reading paper, a woman walking towards him, she taps him asking for the time

7 Medium Front Point of view shot of man looking at the woman in shock, man looks back and forth at the woman and the picture of the missing woman, man takes off glasses and looks at woman again

8 Close up shot of womans face, she says 'What?'

9 Medium Front Point of view shot of man putting back his glasses and looking back at the picture

10 Extreme close up of a picture of a missing person in the paper again

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